2014-07-22: National Implementation and Dissemination for Chronic Disease Prevention

Funding Opportunity Number: CDC-RFA-DP14-1418
Opportunity Category: Discretionary
Funding Instrument Type: Cooperative Agreement
Category of Funding Activity: Health
Eligible Applicants: Others (see text field entitled "Additional Information on Eligibility" for clarification)
Closing Date: 2014-07-22
Award Ceiling: $300,000
Expected Number of Awards: 8

Description: The purpose of the following National Organization Logic Model (see Figure 1) is to provide national organizations, partners, and stakeholders with a framework to guide them throughout program planning, implementation, and evaluation.  It is an iterative tool that can be used to align strategies and activities with expected program results.
Link: www.grants.gov/view-opportunity.html?opp…