2015-07-16: Charter Schools Program (CSP): Grants for State Educational Agencies (SEAs)

2015-07-16: Office of Innovation and Improvement (OII): Charter Schools Program (CSP): Grants for State Educational Agencies (SEAs) CFDA Number 84.282A
Funding Opportunity Number: ED-GRANTS-061515-001
Opportunity Category: Discretionary
Funding Instrument Type: Grant
Category of Funding Activity: Education
Eligible Applicants Others (see text field entitled "Additional Information on Eligibility" for clarification)
Agency Name: ED
Closing Date: 2015-07-16
Expected Number of Awards: 12
Description: Note: Each funding opportunity description is a synopsis of information in the Federal Register application notice. For specific information about eligibility, please see the official application notice. The official version of this document is the document published in the Federal Register. Free Internet access to the official edition of the Federal Register and the Code of Federal Regulations is available on GPO Access at: www.access.gpo.gov/nara/index.html. Please review the official application notice for pre-application and application requirements, application submission information, performance measures, priorities and program contact information. Purpose of Program: The purpose of the CSP is to increase national understanding of the charter school model by: (1) Providing financial assistance for the planning, program design, and initial implementation of charter schools; (2) Evaluating the effects of charter schools, including the effects on students, student achievement, student growth, staff, and parents; (3) Expanding the number of high-quality charter schools available to students across the Nation; and (4) Encouraging the States to provide support to charter schools for facilities financing in an amount more nearly commensurate to the amount the States have typically provided for traditional public schools. The purpose of the CSP Grants for SEAs competition is to enable SEAs to provide financial assistance, through subgrants to eligible applicants (also referred to as non-SEA eligible applicants), for the planning, program design, and initial implementation of charter schools and for the dissemination of information about successful charter schools, including practices that existing charter schools have demonstrated are successful. Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance (CFDA) Number: 84.282A. Applications for grants under the CSP Grants for SEAs competition,
Link: www.grants.gov/view-opportunity.html?opp…

2015-08-07: FY 2015 U.S. Speakers Program

Funding Opportunity Number: DOSRUS-15-GR-006
Opportunity Category: Discretionary
Funding Instrument Type: Cooperative Agreement
Category of Funding Activity: Other (see text field entitled "Explanation of Other Category of Funding Activity" for clarification)
Eligible Applicants Others (see text field entitled "Additional Information on Eligibility" for clarification)
Agency Name: DOS-RUS
Closing Date: 2015-08-07
Award Ceiling: $345,000
Expected Number of Awards: 1
Description: The U. S. Embassy in Moscow, Russia, through the U. S. Speakers Program, recruits American experts to travel to Russia to engage audiences through lectures, workshops, and seminars; appearances in foreign media; and in a consultant capacity. The Speakers Program proactively promotes understanding of U. S. culture, society and U. S. foreign policies on topics identified by the Embassy and its partner organizations and provides space for dialogue between the peoples of the two countries. The program also fosters American engagement with a wide range of Russian audiences through a range of speaking events, including participation in conferences, festivals and professional meetings. The U. S. Embassy in Moscow (PAS Moscow) invites proposal submissions for a cooperative agreement to provide technical and logistical support for U. S. speaker programs in Russia. The grant recipient will work closely with the Assistant Cultural Affairs Officer in charge of the Speakers Program, Consulate Public Affairs Officers, and Cultural Specialists to support people-to-people activities between the people of the United States and Russia, in a range of fields and professions. The grantee will be responsible for providing logistical support to the Embassy in the form of visa assistance, transportation arrangements, and other technical and logistical support, as directed by PAS Moscow. Additional examples of supporting activities include reimbursing speakers for program-related expenditures and processing vendor payments for travel expenses, support or other items. The Grantee will be required to periodically provide the Embassy with their speaker program account records. Full program requirements and submission details can be found under the "related documents" tab.
Link: www.grants.gov/view-opportunity.html?opp…