Bibliography: Multi-cultural Education (page 5 of 5)

This bibliography is reformatted and customized by the Center for Positive Practices for the Center for Positive Practices website. Some of the authors featured on this page include and Judith J. Sult.

Sult, Judith J. (1983). Multi-Cultural Approach to Education: Using University Students in K-12 Classes as a Resource. MAIS Project. A Masters Program in Interdisciplinary Studies (MAIS) project that was designed to integrate multicultural awareness in the classroom is described. In this project, university foreign students taught elementary and secondary students about foreign cultures and other world perspectives. The Oregon State System of Higher Education agreed to enroll a limited number of foreign students at in-state tuition rates. To participate foreign students needed to show financial need, to communicate in English, and to indicate what they wanted to share about their culture. After the first foreign students were selected, a meeting was held with administrators and teachers to explain the program. Foreign students visited the K-12 schools who requested them through the Office of International Education. Foreign students' projects included demonstrations in cooking, storytelling, folk dance, batik, and slide presentations. The effects of the program have not been measured. There are four major chapters to the paper. Chapter I, "Historic Perspective," states that a historical consequence of colonialism has been to stifle multi-cultural awareness. The second chapter examines four current global issues: change, interdependence, impact of technology, and conflict resolution. In chapter III, the need for multi-cultural awareness is discussed. The program is described in the fourth chapter. Descriptors: College Students, Cooperative Programs, Cross Age Teaching, Cultural Awareness

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