Monthly Archives: July 2015

2015-08-11: Grants to Support the Hispanic Health Services Research Grant Program

2015-08-11: Grants to Support the Hispanic Health Services Research Grant Program
Funding Opportunity Number: CMS-1H0-15-001
Opportunity Category: Discretionary
Funding Instrument Type: Grant
Category of Funding Activity: Health
Eligible Applicants Others (see text field entitled "Additional Information on Eligibility" for clarification)
Agency Name: HHS-CMS
Closing Date: 2015-08-11
Award Ceiling: $215,000
Description: The Centers for Medicare Medicaid Services (CMS) is announcing the availability of funds under this grant program to assist researchers in conducting health services research for 2015. The purpose of the Hispanic grant program is to implement Hispanic health services research activities to meet the needs of diverse CMS beneficiary populations. The grant program is designed to: 1) encourage health services and health disparities researchers to pursue research issues which impact Hispanic Medicare, Medicaid, and Children Health Insurance Program (CHIP) health services issues, 2) conduct outreach activities to apprise Hispanic researchers of funding availability to conduct research-related issues affecting Hispanic communities to expand the pool of applicants applying for such grants, 3) assist CMS in implementing its mission focusing on health care quality and improvement for its beneficiaries, 4) support extramural research in health care capacity development activities for the Hispanic communities, 5) promote research that will be aimed at developing a better understanding of health care services issues pertaining to Hispanics, and 6) foster a network for communication and collaboration regarding Hispanic health care issues.