Monthly Archives: April 2014

2014-06-02: Joint Fire Science Program (JFSP)

Funding Opportunity Number: L14AS00117
Opportunity Category: Discretionary
Funding Instrument Type: Cooperative Agreement
Category of Funding Activity: Science and Technology and other Research and Development
Eligible Applicants Public and State controlled institutions of higher education
Agency Name: DOI-BLM
Closing Date: 2014-06-02
Award Ceiling: $435,000
Expected Number of Awards: 22
Description: 2014 Funded Proposals

SOURCE Initiative Links Entrepreneurs and Investors to Bolster Businesses that Benefit Low-Wealth Americans – The Hitachi Foundation

A new initiative that discovers business solutions to social issues by linking entrepreneurs with investment capital and mentoring was announced today by The Hitachi Foundation, Village Capital, and Investors' Circle.

The initiative, SOURCE: Solutions from Our Country’s Entrepreneurs, is a first-of-its-kind collaboration between the three organizations that addresses the existing disconnect between investors and entrepreneurs by engaging investors, mentors, and communities early in the business building process.
