Monthly Archives: February 2014

2014-04-30: AmeriCorps Indian Tribes Grants FY 2014

2014-04-30: AmeriCorps Indian Tribes Grants FY 2014
Funding Opportunity Number: CNCS-GRANT-02212014
Opportunity Category: Discretionary
Funding Instrument Type: Grant
Category of Funding Activity: Disaster Prevention and Relief | Education | Environment | Food and Nutrition | Health | Housing | Other (see text field entitled "Explanation of Other Category of Funding Activity" for clarification)
Eligible Applicants: Native American tribal governments (Federally recognized) | Native American tribal organizations (other than Federally recognized tribal governments)
Agency Name: CNCS
Closing Date: 2014-04-30
Expected Number of Awards: 15
• Improve academic outcomes for children, youth, and young adults – reflecting the extensive experience and past success of national service programs in education;
• Serve veterans and military families or engage veterans and military families in service;
• Increase community resiliency through disaster preparation, response, recovery, and mitigation; and
• Increase economic opportunities for communities and AmeriCorps members.
Contact: AmeriCorpsGrants@cns. gov or call 202. 6067508 to leave a voicemail