THANK YOU very much for taking the time to fill out this self-assessment questionnaire. It is part of an evaluation and technical assistance process being conducted by the Mesa Vista Consolidated Schools in association with the Center for Positive Practices. Your responses to this questionnaire will be held in strict confidence and your name/identity is NOT requested and will NOT be included in any related reports provided to the project sponsor or the public. Only group-level data may be used by the provider for planning and implementing its services, and for assessing program effectiveness.
INSTRUCTIONS. Below are several questions designed to help you express your level of confidence for successfully completing the designated tasks. The tasks-related questions are derived from the upper levels of the NMTEACH Classroom Observation Protocol/Rubric. Keep in mind, this questionnaire is fully confidential, and we need to know the true feelings of all participants, so please be as honest as you can.
Any reference to “all students” includes culturally and linguistically diverse students, English learners (ELs), and students with disabilities (SWD). Any reference to New Mexico adopted standards includes the 2012 Amplification of WIDA English Language Development (ELD) Standards when serving English language learners (ELL), and using Individualized Education Program (IEP) goals when serving students with disabilities.
Each question is based on a scale of 1 to 100, with 1 being no confidence and 100 being complete confidence. If you enter a zero, it may be counted as a blank, or non-response. Similarly, simply entering 90 or 100 across the board may cause the statistical system to discard the entire set of responses as not sufficiently variable.
Each question is preceded by the stem 'I feel confident that I can demonstrate to observers…' which is not necessarily an assessment of your future potential but rather your own self-assessment of your confidence to successfully demonstrate to observers the specified tasks at this point in time.