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NMTEACH Teacher Self-Assessment
Implied Consent
Filling in the form below affirms that you are over 18 years of age, and that you consent to have your answers to this questionnaire included in our research, evaluation, and/or technical assistance processes. Your responses on this questionnaire will be held in strict confidence and your name/identity is NOT requested and will NOT be included in any reports provided to the district or the public. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact: Dr. Joseph P. Martinez (Project Evaluator) at /505-252-3121.
Thank you!
THANK YOU very much for taking the time to fill out this self-assessment questionnaire. It is part of an ongoing planning and assessment process being conducted by the Center for Positive Practices (CPP), in association with the Center for the Education and Study of Diverse Populations (CESDP), and the Española Public School District. The information you provide here may be used to provide continuous improvement feedback to the CESDP for improving its professional development and technical assistance program, and/or to assess for evidence of program effectiveness. The group-level data may also be used to provide information and technical assistance to the state education agency, your local district, and/or the people in your school, but you personally will not be identified in any reports.
Instructions. Below are several questions designed to help you express your level of confidence for successfully completing the designated tasks. Remember, this questionnaire is fully anonymous, and we need to know the true feelings of all participants, so please be as humble and honest as you can. The tasks-related questions are derived from the upper levels of the NMTEACH Educator Effectiveness system. Each question is based on a scale of 1 to 100, with 1 being no confidence and 100 being complete confidence. Number questions are preset at 0 (zero) which would count the same as leaving the question blank.
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